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Ignite your feminine manifesting power.
Fuel the goals of your soul.

Activate new levels of spiritual confidence.
Amplify the infinite calling of your purpose
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In 1999 I found myself called to grow my business in a way that didn’t cause me to diminish my highest values, ‘dumb-down’ my true worth, and sacrifice vitality + joy to follow the ‘hustle + grind’ culture I’d naively assumed as the one and the only way to achieve success. 


The fact is I was tired. Truly worn out.  Quietly suffering in self-doubt and distorted confidence.

Years of denying the heart of my feminine creative genius had taken a toll on my mind, body and spirit. Unknowingly, I had pushed aside the potency of my manifesting strength in order to fit in to a hustle and grind paradigm of success that left me exhausted, depleted, discouraged … and, honestly, confused about how to move forward and into my future. 

But rather than give up. I dug inward … uncovering feminine wounds that drained my manifesting power. And when I healed these wounds what happened was a re-energizing of confidence ... a spiritual confidence that unearthed my Higher Self and revealed the feminine wisdom to manifest my deepest desires and most meaningful future. 

"When we fully embody the radiant goals of our soul, we harness the sacred confidence to manifest the callings of our heart."
In this groundbreaking DIVINE LEGACY Retreat Experienceyou'll access an entirely new way to engage the kind of heart-centered success that can only be experienced when 4 distinctive feminine frequencies are fully embraced. Together we will heal the feminine wounds that hold us captive to diminished ways of thinking and creating ... together we will invite in a new way of seeing the radiance of sacred power to amplify the infinite calling of the highest expression of your purpose!

"Prepare to ignite a manifesting power so radiant, so magnetic that the power to create the wealth of your future will never be the same."


  • Gently disintegrate the feminine wounds and release the stories that that stand between you and the radiant power to manifest the true wealth of your purpose.

  • Liberate Spiritual Confidence and release distracting energy drains that pause your progress by triggering self doubt, confusion, and resistance.

  • Activate the spiritual balance required to rise above painful self-sabotage, over-thinking, over-giving, under-valuing, and diminishing worry and self-doubt.

  • Move beyond attachments to outdate identities, assumed roles, and the pain stories that diminish and deny you the freedom to step into your desired future. 

  • Learn a step-by-step practice to dismantle feminine wounds that prevent you from spiritual balance with both your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine creative energies ... opening the ability for the mind and heart to partner in an understanding of who you truly are and why you are here.

  • Embody a state of feminine manifesting flow and dissolve feelings of worry, overwhelm, anxiety and reluctance ... set free an unparalleled ability to rise into your radiant future.

  • Reach heightened energetic states that support the expansion of your vitality free from hustle, grind, pushing and exhaustion.

"True manifesting power is freed

as we radiantly align with our

unique and individual goals of our soul."

Gain access to a collection of Destineflow somatic embodiment practices boost your creativity and support you to anchor the SACRED CONFIDENCE to achieve your DIVINE POTENTIALS.

Here's what to expect:


  • A Vibrant Visioning Meditation practice seamlessly aligns you with the new energetic frequencies of your desired future while freeing new levels of spiritual confidence.

  • A harmonizing sacred sound meditation along with an easy breath practice frenetic energies to still your mind and fine-tune your focus.  

  • Aromatherapy opens your senses and expands the connection with your Sacred Imagination: your ability to see new possibilities.

  • An immersion in nature brings your nervous system into balance and amplifies the true power of your feminine radiance.

  • Light movement supports you to embody the goals of your soul, grounding and guiding you to steadily manifest your most fulfilling future.

"As we fuel the goals of our soul,

we amplify the feminine frequencies to

manifest our radiant destiny."

Destiny Writing:
Feminine Manifesting

provides you a potent
Spiritual Writing practice
infused with the power to
reveal the true potency of the
while amplifying the
to create the future you desire.

"Align with the power to become

the spontaneous creator of your future."

Awaken the Goals of Your Soul. There's essential time devoted to direct mentorship and personalized guidance. As you begin to embody your own unique DIVINE LEGACY EXPERIENCE, new awareness will become guideposts as you return home with a clear sense of direction. 

Magnify Your Evolving Purpose.  Be easily seen, heard, and recognized for the true value and strength of your sacred work and service to the world. Unleash the unprecedented clarity to step fully into your calling through a sacred confidence that elevates every aspect of your life.

Create Unshakable Spiritual Confidence. Learn an intuitive inquiry practice designed to fuel an unwavering sense of value and worth, significance and purpose ... align with an undeniable devotion to receive all that's required to bring your giftedness to the world. 

Amplify Creative States. The vivid visioning, meditations, and breathing practices are designed to activate higher creative states, optimize intuition, mindfulness, and conscious manifestation. All practices are for beginners and the experienced.


Whether you are a conscious business owners, leader in the transformational arts, a change-maker, emerging healer, or you

simply know you are called to make a difference on the planet ...

the DIVINE LEGACY Experience supports you to

fully embody the radiance of your soul's goals and

harness the vision of your destiny.









and accompanying practices including visualization meditation,

breath-work, and sacred sound designed to enhance your experience.




This ensures Marsh understands the focus of your work and your intention for joining the DIVINE LEGACY Retreat Experience

and how she can best serve you. 

This packet is provided to you prior to your arrival.


An elegant luncheon in the heart of the red-rocks of Sedona 

celebrates the kick-off your DIVINE LEGACY Experience.


"Being able to attend the Destiny Writing Retreat, hosted by Marsh Engle, was one of the greatest gifts I could give myself at this point in my journey.  The simple, yet profound questions and sacred writing exercises over the weekend empowered me to understand the power of sacred agreements we make with ourselves, and to know that what I long for is the contribution that wants to be expressed from within the sacred authority of my own heart, not someone else’s.  A deeper understanding of what I truly desire to create was unlocked as Marsh gently and intuitively guided me through this process of Destiny Writing.  Marsh’s pure love for the work she is able to release at this point in time is deep, profound and beyond anything I have ever experienced. “ ~ Kristi O

"As a long time spiritual practitioner, I found Destiny Writing to be an intuitive and comprehensive method for self discovery through writing. Marsh’s ability to draw concise core truths from each participant with compassion and conviction catapulted each of us into a new level of empowerment as women. I am so thankful for the gift of being seen in ways I have yet to envision and to have a clear pathway to integrate it through my writing. I left the retreat feeling inspired and excited to learn more."  Pricilla H.


"I signed up for Marsh Engle’s Destiny Writing retreat thinking I might get some tips on how to be a better writer. What I came away with was a far, far deeper understanding of myself and how to express what I want to express, building a strong foundation for my future. I came away understanding what stopped me in the past from letting myself be seen and heard, how my heart and passion contribute to my writing, and with that, how I can make a difference in the world and in my life by sharing my innate gifts. I feel blessed. This wasn’t a retreat where you feel great while attending, then go home to the same old life – I came home with a new way of BEING and with ways to reinforce that elevated BEINGNESS.

I am awed and inspired and forever grateful for having this deep, meaningful,

life-affirming experience through Marsh’s exceptional guidance and coaching."

- Diane S.

“I am so incredibly delighted I attended Marsh Engle's Destiny Writing retreat. Not only was it the perfect size, but there was exceptional attention to detail. The exquisite venue, fabulous experiences, incredible meals, and sacred ceremonies left me feeling pampered. Every session was imbued with a rich deepness, and I felt honored and supported as I opened to share my own journey. Marsh’s highly intuitive abilities and wisdom, created an environment where I could easily relax and be receptive to new insights and an entirely forgotten vision of a dream that now has an opportunity to blossom into fulfillment. The Destiny Writing Retreat was a deeply spiritual experience that has inspired me with a fresh perspective.”  
– Becky N.

“I attended the Destiny Writing retreat with absolutely no expectations - no existential crisis, no need to find myself, no need to create a new identity. That attitude allowed in an elevated level of gratitude, acceptance, and peace. To my surprise, the retreat transformed my spiritual vision in new and better ways, and opened my heart to overflow.”  – Carol K.


It's time for a radiant evolution ... time to magnify your purpose ... and make manifest the divine potentials of. your sacred work.

about marsh engle

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Since 2001 Marsh Engle's pioneering work in the field of feminine creativity has served to bridge both an internal and external relationship with success .. the kind of success that transforms lives, inspires innovation, and changes futures. She is widely recognized for her potent mastery of empathic visionary intuition ... a capacity at the foundation of her profound ability to laser into the highest creative potentials of her audience ... both professionally and personally.​

Marsh Engle events, retreats, books, and broadcasts have supported

multi-thousands of coaches, spiritual teachers, therapists, and healers

helping many of them to create stunning success by turning their

sacred callings into meaningful careers, books, businesses, and achievements.

Dedicated to evolving the culture of women's success, Marsh is the creator of the multi-bestselling AMAZING WOMAN co-authored book series, award-winning entrepreneur, and founder of THE AMAZING WOMAN NATION. Her training programs, podcasts, and events are recognized for their unparalleled capacity to move hundreds of thousands of women to define, communicate and realize the heart and soul of their divine potentials.   

All content is the registered copyright of Marsh Engle Media 2023-2024

Duplication is reserved and assigned in writing by copyright holder only.

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